Films.Dance Round 2
Films.Dance Round 2

Films.Dance engages more than 150 artists from 52 cities in 25 countries, culminating in 15 short films that have been shot during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. A new film will premiere every Monday from Jan 25-May 3 for free.

Through non-traditional collaborations across cultures and continents, the series connects the perspectives of diverse artists from a range of disciplines, dance genres, abilities, and experiences. Filmed in locations ranging from Amsterdam, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, and London, to Los Angeles, New York, Nigeria, and Spain —Films.Dance exists at the intersection of dance, music, fashion, and film.

Produced by Jacob Jonas the Company, in partnership with Somewhere Magazine
Co-presented by the Harris, the Wallis, and the Soraya

Executive Producer & Creative Director:
Jacob Jonas

Jill Wilson 
Emma Rosenzweig-Bock 
Mathieu Wothke 

Associate Producers Dance:
Joy Isabella Brown 
Francisco Cruz 
Emily Kikta
Mike Tyus 
Peter Walker
Rauf “Rubberlegz” Yasit

Associate Producers Music:
Steve Hackman
Anibal Sandoval