Through our commitment to artistic excellence, collaboration and inclusion, the Harris Theater’s Engagement + Education Programs seek to deepen understanding of the arts and our world. We inspire people of all ages and communities, and nurture the next generation of artists and audiences.
- Access Tickets Program | Promoting access to the arts for Chicago residents of all ages, communities, abilities, by providing underwritten performance tickets across 43 Community Partner organizations.
- Arts Education Partnerships | Connecting Chicago’s most gifted young musicians and dancers with the master artists appearing on the Harris stage through master classes, artist talks, and performance opportunities.
- Enrichment Activities | Programming audience-focused touchpoints, which encourage interaction, reflection, and connection with incredible art and strengthening their relationship to the works presented on the Harris stage.
If your organization would like to partner with the Harris Theater, please contact Braxton Crewell, Manager of Partnerships and Engagement, at bcrewell@harristheaterchicago.org, or Lileana Moore, Programming and Engagement Coordinator, at lmoore@harristheaterchicago.org.

Bounce Children's Foundation
To kick-off 2023, we want to shine a light on our incredible community partner, Bounce Children's Foundation. Through their five branches of programming, including Bounce Bash, Bounce It Forward, Bounce Back Kits, Bounce Academy, and Bounce Net, the organization transforms the lives of chronically ill children, and their families, shifting all from surviving to thriving. Through our years of partnership, we have loved inviting Bounce families to our PNC Family Series, connecting them to artists like Spektral Quartet, and this season we only hope to deepen our partnership in our shared mission to serve the Chicago community. For more information about Bounce Children's Foundation, please check out their website.
“I know the students were inspired… I can see some modeling of the behavior of the musicians and can also see they view the musicians as role models which will help them set goals. I’ve already seen it in the lessons. This is changing lives!”
- Merit School of Music Instructor
Current Community Partners
All About Dance
Ballet 5:8
Ballet Chicago
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Bounce Children’s Foundation
Boys & Girls’ Club of Chicago
CDF Lab Artists
Chicago Academy for the Arts
Chicago Ballet Arts
Chicago High School for the Arts
Chicago Light House
Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative
Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras
Child Link
Cool Classics!
Curie Metro HS
Deborah’s Place
Emcee Skool
Gary Elementary School
Heartland Alliance
Intrinsic Schools
ITW Speer Academy
Jazz Institute of Chicago
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
Joel Hall Dancers and Center
La Rabida Children’s Hospital
Lurie Children’s Hospital
Mercy Home
Merit School of Music
Mitchell Elementary
Music Institute of Chicago
My Block My Hood My City
Nettelhorst Fine & Performing Arts School
Renaissance Court Senior Center
Ronald McDonald Lurie House
Shirley Ryan Ability Lab
St. Leonards Ministries
Teen Arts Pass
Uniting Voices
University of Chicago
USO of Illinois
Whitney M. Young Magnet High School